Connect Ethernet Additional services

Additional services

In accordance with the agreement and within the scope of existing technical and operational possibilities cegecom will provide the following additional services for an additional charge:


Service availability in the event of failures of individual components can be secured by duplication of these components at the connection point. Other redundancy scenarios are possible, depending on availability requirements: double end-device, double power-unit, double access-line, double house lead-in permanent 2-way-routing; etc.

These are not part of the product and must be commissioned by the customer and planned by cegecom separately following individual advice and inspection of the premises.


To protect your network against a “man-in-the-middle attack” it is possible on request to encrypt the connection. Connect Ethernet 256 bit AES (Advanced Encryption standard) encryption is based on the Diffie-Hellman key-agreement protocol. It stands out in particular for the protection of complete user data, including headers and checksums. Every Bit transferred is encrypted, so there is no attack surface for data theft.